Sunday, November 9, 2008

RANDOM post....

Hey, guys! It's been a while since I've last posted, sorry about that. I've been soooo busy with everything that I kind of forget. :) Ok, guys, so far I only have TWO constructive votes in my comments list... HELLO.... please vote, before November 25! For more info, read the post titled "fort! vote soon!". It'll give you the 411.

I've been working on a few drawings of the fort, but I don't know which ones I like best, or which ones will WORK. So ya. I'll just keep working then...

November is already here and I still have not found the best route to the forest canopy! Oh well. A fort is more important, right? RIGHT? :)

Well, I gotta go work on a drawing of my fort... See you soon, my friends!


Emily o' da jungle