Saturday, October 18, 2008


Hey, guys. I know this is like, my third post today. But I have some advice and ideas and stuff that I just have to get out before I FORGETTT.

If I go exploring for a short time, such as a few hours, I like to have the following:

A rucksack (backpackish thing) containing:

  1. A water canteen.
  2. A few climbing tools, such as rope, a grapple-hook, a pick-axe, etc. Nothing too heavy, though.
  3. A big old T-shirt just in case you need to do something that may get you dirty.
  4. Scissors and/or knife (only use scissors if you're over 8, and only use a knife if you're over 13 and/or have your parent's permission, unless you are over 21, but always be careful with sharp objects. Never use it as a weapon!!)
  5. A noise-making object, AKA a horn or bell, to scare away bears ETC and/or signal your troop.
  6. A camera to take pictures of the wild.
  7. A notepad and pencil/pen to take notes and/or draw.
  8. A mobile phone and/or walkie-talkie.
  9. Tools to build a basic makeshift raft (a hammer and nails, and/or string/rope), optional, but helpful, just in case the weather gets bad.
  10. A smallish, durable blanket. Optional.

And it is helpful to find the following once you are outdoors:

  1. A designated meeting area for you and your troop (if you have a troop, that is), and a meeting schedule, ETC.
  2. ....and a safe spot to put your rucksack. You may find it helpful to bring a smaller bag to carry what's of good value, such as your canteen, your mobile phone, Etc.

If you are an adventurer in training like I am (I like to explore, but I'm only eleven, so I can't exactly go wherever strikes my fancy.), and you can only explore your backyard, make a hide-out! Find an enclosed area, such as between a few bushes and the fence, make it comfortable, and share it with your friends! Keep it a secret, unless you're going to do something like cut a hole in the bush. You MAY want permission for THAT.

I'm a self-taught kid spy, and an explorer in training. ALL SELF TAUGHT. That, and the internet can teach you some pretty good stuff.

If you're like me, you like to explore, but you can't leave your property without permission, you explore wherever you can when you're somewhere else, and you enjoy researching. Rock on!

Well I'm gonna go to bed soon, soooooo.... GNITE. byeee. see-ya. OK BYE.


fort! vote soon!

ok. i'm back. me new blog's link is there's only two posts so far.

well, anyhoo.

I NEED TO MAKE AN OUTDOOR FORT. LIKE, OUTTA STICKS. BUG AND WEATHER PROOF. HIDDEN IN THE WOODS. tell me (via comment) wether i should do a tree-fort, under-ground fort, or land-fort, or a mixture, and also type in some ideas and advice. deadline is november 25. on that day i'll count the dif. types of fort votes (not including ideas etc) and the type that has the most votes is the winner and ill do it.

so hurry up and vote via comment!!! :D :D :D

well, i'm going to think up some ideas for adventuring.... see ya, rock on dudes...



I STILL haven't found my way up to the canopy. Yet. I'm just so BUSY that I haven't found the time to do it... so yah.

Well, it's dark outside, and I'm still in my ballet clothes, so I'm not going to go exploring right now. Maybe I'll do that tomorrow morning or something. My BFF Lauren is coming over tomorrow sometime (she still needs to call me), maybe we could do it then. Oh well.

I'd better go. I'm going to make another blog. I don't know what I'll call it yet, so I will post when I've made it up. See-yuh.